


Learning Together, Leading Together: The Construction and Practice of Professional Learning Community




陳佩英(Pei-Ying Chen)


專業學習社群 ; 教師領導 ; 教師專業發展 ; 教師培力 ; professional learning community ; teacher leadership ; teacher professional development ; teacher empowerment




60卷3期(2009 / 09 / 01)


68 - 88




在全球與在地教育改革趨勢的雙重刺激下,教師組織學習與教師領導被視為學校文化轉型的重要推動力。然而,教師專業發展與分享領導如何結合以有效提升教師素質與教學品質,儼然成為教育改革新的課題。為了有效回應三十年來教育改革壓力和層出不窮的教改方案,強調專業領導的聯合行動體應運而生,專業學習社群(professional learning community)即為一例。專業學習社群主張經由共享願景、一起學習、一起領導與共享實務等來提升教師能力,改善學生學習,亦能由下而上轉變學校整體結構與文化。基於此,本文將介紹專業學習社群在國外研究場域的定義、特性,以及相關文獻回顧,並思考專業學習社群概念給臺灣教育改革實踐提供甚麼樣新的思維與應用,最後進一步提出教師專業成長之反思及其可能所面臨的挑戰。


In facing with challenges from the impacts of globalization and educational reform, organizational learning and teacher leadership have become the important strategies for school reculturing. Nevertheless, it is still questioning whether teacher professional development can be aligned with shared leadership and whether these collective efforts can enhance teachers' professional development and quality of teaching. In effective response with endless educational reform policies, concerted action with emphasis on professional leadership has been created. One of the examples is the construction of a professional learning community (PLC). The concept of PLC promotes shared visions, learning together, leading together, and shared practice. It is evolved to improve teaching quality with collective focus on student learning. As teachers learn and lead together, school structures and culture can be changed by the bottom-up action. Since the concept of PLC is new to Taiwanese readers, this article has two purposes: to explore the meanings, characteristics, and relevant literature of PLC, and to deliberate the possibility of applying this shared practice into the Taiwanese school context. By the introduction of PLC, this article may inspire educators to ponder new ways of implementing educational reform mandates and bring changes to school settings.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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