


The Importance and Curriculum Design of Education of Affective Domain for Junior High School Students




郭如育(Ju-Yu Kuo)


情意教育 ; 情意教學 ; 課程設計 ; 班級經營 ; education of affective domain ; affective teaching ; classroom management ; curriculum design




62卷2期(2011 / 06 / 01)


138 - 154




國中生欠缺在情意方面的學習,易導致價值觀的偏差與負面行為,因此本文將從情意教育的重要性著手,探討情意教育的功能以及其課程設計原則,最後並提出建議做為教師在班級經營中的參考。 情意教育是指智能以外關於情緒、感情、價值、意志與道德的學習歷程,凡是與此有關的活動或課程均屬之,且其實施對學生的身心健康、學習成長、人格塑造、社會適應,都有不可忽視的影響力。 情意的學習不但與認知有密切關聯,也會影響個人的道德判斷。其重要性有三:(1)積極正向的情感有助於認知學習(2)情意教育能協助學生建立正確的人生觀(3)情緒會影響道德認知和道德判斷。至於情意教育的功能在積極方面可以教導學生管理自我情緒,與培養適應的能力;消極方面則可以減少負面情緒與行為。


As far as junior high school students are concerned, lack of education of affective domain easily results in deviance on values and even delinquency. This study was aimed to investigate the importance and the function of education of affective domain. Moreover, the principles of its curriculum design were provided in this study, which could be a reference to a teacher's class management. Education of affective domain, excluding intellectual education, refers to the process and related activities or courses of learning about emotions, feelings, values, wills, and morals. The practice of education of affective domain has significant direct effects on students' health in both mentally and physically, learning to grow, personality molding, and social adaption. Education of affective domain affects not only cognitive learning but also an individual's moral judgement. The three consequences are as followings: (A) Positive affection is helpful to cognitive learning. (B) Education of affective domain can assist students in shaping their correct viewpoints of lives. (C) Emotions will influence moral cognition and moral judgement. In the positive aspect, education of affective domain can teach students to manage their emotions and obtain the ability of adaption as well. As for the negative aspect, education of affective domain is able to reduce negative emotions and actions.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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