
QR Code應用於高職數學之教學歷程


The Application of QR Codes in the Teaching Processes of Vocational High School Math Courses




蔡至誠(Chih-Cheng Tsai);羅希哲(Shi-Jer Lou)


行動學習 ; 教學歷程 ; QR Codes ; mobile learning ; teaching processes




65卷2期(2014 / 06 / 01)


110 - 121




網路無線與寬頻通訊的快速發展,使得行動學習逐漸成為重要的學習模式,運用智慧型手機隨時上網的功能,讓行動上網學習更為簡單方便。這對堂數有限的高職數學而言,學生的學習變得無所不在,只要在例題旁加上QR Code,用手機掃描,即能連結至教學網站,解說畫面隨即呈現在手機螢幕上。此學習模式不僅輔助了教師的教學,更有益於學生的學習,因此本研究以「QR Code應用於高職數學之教學歷程」,期使數學教學更為生動有趣。


As the development of broadband and online communication move on, mobile learning gradually becomes an important mode for learning. With the use of smart phone surfing on the Internet, students could acquire knowledge anytime, anywhere. Students can even link to the teaching websites just by scanning the QR codes near the exercises on their textbooks with their cell phones. Later on the images of instruction will be shown on the screen of smart phones. This learning mode not only assists teachers’ instructions but also benefits students’ learning. Therefore this study adopts the subject "QR codes applied to the teaching processes of vocational high school math courses" as the main topic so as to make math teaching more interesting.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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