


Making an E-Storybook to Enhance English Language Learning: A Project Conducted for Pre-Service Teacher Training in Taiwan




蔡素薰(Su-Hsun Tsai)


英語學習 ; 多媒體與英語教學 ; 繪本教學 ; 英語電子繪本製作 ; 教育學程 ; English language learning ; multimedia and ELT ; using storybooks to teach ; computer-assisted language learning ; pre-service teacher education




66卷2期(2015 / 06 / 01)


182 - 198






A twin-peak distribution has been evident in the performance of students' English language learning in Taiwan for years. The phenomenon has often been attributed to the lack of interest and motivation of many students, which mainly results from the limited chance for them to use the English language for meaningful purposes. In recent years, making picture storybooks has been a commonly practiced activity for various areas of study. This article suggests making electronic storybooks as an activity in English classes. Productive activities give children the chance to express their ideas instead of simply receiving instructions. The pictures, artworks, and sound effects involved in an e-storybook production allow children of different strengths in the spectrum of multiple intelligence to have their shares of contribution. Making e-storybooks exercises the children's imagination and creativity, and may be particularly exciting and inspiring as the children nowadays all belong to the "digital native" generation. In the article, the author introduces the process of e-storybook production in an English class. The e-storybook presented is based on a local Taiwanese folktale "Ban Ping Mountain." The project is hoped to exemplify the value of the activity in English learning in connection with other study areas such as folklore teaching, character education, arts music education, and media education. The value of the joint work of the students also lies in the presentation of the product to other students either in reality or even on the Internet with students in other countries.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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