


Study of Anti-Bullying Competence Indicators and Curriculum: The Concept of Peace Education in the Social Studies, Grade 1-9 Curriculum




陳建甫(Chien-Fu Chen);李素君(Su-Chun Lee)


社會學習領域 ; 校園反霸凌課程 ; 和平教育 ; 能力指標 ; Social Studies ; school anti-bullying curriculum ; peace education ; competence indicators




66卷4期(2015 / 12 / 01)


89 - 118






The study attempted to transform the common connotations of the school anti-bullying and peace education into the Social Studies, Grade 1-9 Curriculum, and to design the school anti-bullying curriculum to guide students with the concept of peace. The content analysis employed to examine the 147 competence indicators (CIs) in the Social Studies, Grade 1-9 Curriculum. The result illustrated that 30 CIs contained with the common concept of peace education and school anti-bullying, located in the four stages and in the nine topics axis. The findings shown the current school anti-bullying CIsare not comprehensiveness and the insufficient of affective indicators in school anti-bullying and peace education. The study encouraged teachers to design the school anti-bullying curriculum beyond the original boundaries of the nine topics axis. Three teaching strategies suggested for teachers, including: (1) to develop their own school anti-bullying CIs, (2) to employ the concentric circles method that contained the previous benchmarks into the next stages, in order to deepen the anti-bullying CIs, and (3) to transfer the CIs of human rights and gender equality education into the school anti-bullying curriculum.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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