As the combination of board games and teaching applications emerges, it is both important and urgent for teachers to own the ability to develop board games by themselves. This study presented the entry point of treating teachers as designer or game guiders, adopting the notion of user-centered design as methodology and coupled with Scenario as the design guidance. Through the "Board Games Design x Science workshop", the effectiveness of this design process will be practiced and reviewed. Thus, according to this basis of observation, the "Loop Mode of Educational Board Games Design" is prompted to divide the board games design into 5 phases, which are: task analysis, creative design, mechanism creation, prototype implementation and game test. Correspondingly, the five goals of the tasks are: observation, role setting, scenario, visualization and evaluation. This paper is expected as the reference and advice for future teachers to work on game design, and to imbue various viewpoints and experience into the development of Taiwan educational board games.
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