When evaluating students' learning process, there are few studies on the roles of inquiry-based learning and the formative assessment in mathematics curriculum in Taiwan in the past. As an effort to understand the effects of these factors, the purpose of this study is to evaluate how Taiwan's mathematics teachers perform specific tasks associated with three domains of instructional practices, including teacher-directed instruction, Formative Assessment, and Teacher Support, based on the date from the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) in 2012. Firstly, this study investigates the relationship between students' assessment scores in mathematics and student-related factors that influence students' assessments of teachers in those skills. Then, this study specifically compares and analyzes the students' perceptions of their mathematics teachers' classroom supports in these three sections since Taiwanese pay more attentions on the education in Shanghai and Finland,. The results of the study indicate that: there is a significant and negative relationship between formative assessment and student mathematics achievements when controlling the variation of student characteristics; there is no meaningful relationship between teacher-directed instruction and student mathematics scores; teacher support is significantly and positively related to student mathematics achievements. Students in Taiwan and Shanghai-China are more likely to agree with the availability of teacher support in schools when compared with those in Finland.
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