


A Preliminary Study on the Promotion of Mindfulness to Parents in Hong Kong Primary Schools




章月鳳(Zhang Yuefeng)


靜觀教育 ; 家長教育 ; 親子關係 ; 家長身心健康 ; 香港小學 ; mindfulness education ; parent education ; parent-child relationship ; parents' wellbeing ; primary schools in Hong Kong




70卷4期(2019 / 12 / 01)


19 - 33






Hong Kong is a highly competitive society and parents in Hong Kong suffer from various pressures, including working overtime, which may result in parents' stress and anxiety. To improve parents' wellbeing and parent-child relationship, mindfulness was promoted by the author in 10 Hong Kong primary schools in 2018. After a two-hour training in each school, parents were asked to conduct self-practice for one month. This paper explores a preliminary study on the effectiveness of conducting such mindfulness practice for parent education. Comparison of surveys before and after the project, parents' reflection during workshops and interviews with 30 parents after the project indicated parents' life satisfaction and parent-child relationships have improved. Mindfulness can remind some parents to care more about their own wellbeing and their children's feelings. The promotion of mindfulness to Hong Kong parents, however, encountered challenges including parents who were unable to participate in workshops due to busy work, the project having limited time, limited publicity, and limited funding for more mindfulness practices, parents' lack of awareness to the importance of own wellbeing, and so on. Finally, the paper concludes with recommendations on further development of parents' mindful education.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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