In May, 2021, schools at all levels suspended in-class learning and transformed into homeschooling and remote (online) learning due to the nationwide level-3 COVID-19 alert. The policy of homeschooling and remote/online learning in place of in-class learning greatly impacted all levels of teachers and caused challenges in teaching, especially for teachers in middle schools. With the assistance from government and corporate resources for remote learning, the middle-school teachers endeavor to help students learn online. Although the schools resumed in-person teaching, there is still a possibility to adopt remote learning or hybrid learning (maxing in-class learning and online learning) due to the potential threat of COVID-19 pandemic. Thus, this study integrated with the Puentedura's (2013) SAMR model and Bloom et al.'s (1984) Taxonomy of Educational Objectives, to provide several cases and feasible suggestions on online and hybrid teaching and learning for peer teachers from the experience of facing challenges and practices to make "non-stop learning".
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