


The Integration of Teaching Personal and Social Responsibility Model into a Rural Elementary School Frisbee Program




李柏昂(Po-Ang Li);闕月清(Nyit-Chin Keh)


團隊合作活動 ; 自我反思 ; 責任層級 ; 情意表現 ; 人際互動 ; Teamwork activity ; self-reflection ; responsibility level ; affective performance ; interpersonal interaction ; rural education




74卷2期(2023 / 06 / 01)


46 - 67






This research investigated the impact of integrating the Teaching Personal and Social Responsibility (TPSR) Model into a Frisbee physical education (PE) program, and explored teaching experience and reflections. The participants were 31 fifth-grade students from two classes at an elementary school in Hualien County, including 12 males and 19 females. The TPSR Frisbee lessons lasted for 12 weeks with two 40-minute sessions per week. The study used "The Personal and Social Responsibility Questionnaires" to collect quantitative data and conducted paired-sample t-test for statistical analysis. Qualitative data included the students' learning sheets, semi-structured interviews, and the teacher teaching journals. The findings indicate that: (1) There were significant improvements in the responsibility levels of making efforts, self-direction, and helping others. (2) The low-achievers who were previously bullied began try to learn independent, and dominant students were gradually accepted others. The exclusion phenomenon in the class gradually improved. The students learned to coordinate and cooperate with each other, set exercise goals by themselves, abandon individual biases, and control emotions to interact with others. (3) Teacher had to design different questions to guide group discussions and self-reflections, helping students to establish conception of responsibility as the Frisbee PE Program produced differentiated learning effects in the two classes. The TPSR Frisbee PE program effectively improves students' physical education performance and helps improve interpersonal interactions among classmates. To improve the effectiveness of the TPSR Model on the elementary PE program, it is recommended to design structured and goal-oriented teamwork activities to promote good relationship among peers.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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