


Public Choice And Environmental Risk Facility Control Policy Instrument Choice


洪鴻智(Hung-Chih Hung)


環境風險 ; 不確定性 ; 財產權 ; 土地使用管制 ; 成本-效益分析 ; 公共選擇 ; environmental risk ; uncertainty ; property rights ; land-use control ; cost-benefit analysis ; public-choice




27卷1期(2000 / 03 / 01)


47 - 63






Where the land-uses or facilities with potential environmental risk characteristic are often to be regarded as NIMBY facilities. It makes the control instruments choice of these facilities to be extraordinarily complex according to insufficiency in information, uncertainty in risk reducing cost-benefit, variety in land-use types and the interference of related public choice behaviors. Therefore, the main purpose of this paper is to employ the economic equilibrium analysis method to discuss how to select appropriate control instruments of environmental risk facilities. To this purpose, this paper incorporates with the uncertainty opinion and public choice theory, and using four case studies to investigate the risk control instruments choice with the viewpoint of cost-benefit analysis. Whether we chose price or quantity control instrument, it is found that there dose not exit any what is called the best or unique control instrument, but depends on the marginal cost-benefit function pattern of risk reducing and the risk perception attitudes of resident.

主题分类 工程學 > 土木與建築工程
工程學 > 市政與環境工程
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