


Exploring The Mechanism of Spatial Transformation in The Downriver Area of Yangtze River Basin


洪啟東(Chi-Tung Hung)


中國大陸 ; 都市計畫 ; 上海市 ; 空間發展 ; 都市與區域研究 ; 長江流域 ; China ; city planning ; spatial development ; urban and regional study ; Yangtze river basin




27卷2期(2000 / 09 / 01)


165 - 189




中國大陸自一九七八年經濟改革開放之後,區域內部的城鎮空間起戲劇性的變化,其中尤以長江流域下游地區之上海區域空間的機能轉換,特別耀眼。藉由本文不同行政層級的地方政府案例研究,可以看出原本源生於社會主義城市規劃的中央計劃經濟與資源分派範型,地方政府藉由改革開放後,擺脫過往集中化的權利展現,以及對於空間利益的積極性表現,例如,集黨、政、企於一身之“發展公司”,透過外來資本並結合地方勞動力與土地成本優勢,進而扭轉地方的產業空間與機能,重構化了城鎮生活的空間,此等的發展模式並不同於西方資本主義城市。 文章首先回顧並探討後社會主義城市與區域空間發展的相關文獻:繼而描述上海郊區各縣的土地開發過程及其空問影響機制(例如,透過地方政府對土地使用的行政權處置,與黨政企特殊的後社會主義過度體質,而有市-縣所屬工業區、鄉鎮企業對地方發展的案例發生);前述工業用地的開發行為與地方政府對空間的作用,都與昔日我們熟知的西方主流城市發展現象與理論不同。文章的最後,作者將解析區域城市上海的空間發展機制,是項結果陳述有助於華人社會暸解1990年代的長江流域下游地區上海區域之城鎮空間演化過程。


This paper is interested in clarifying the mechanisms that dictate the phenomenal spatial transformation of the cities, suburb counties, and outer towns in the lower reaches region in the Yangtze river basin since 1978. Probing into topics such as decentralization of powers among government levels, conflicts between sectoral blocks and local administrations, land development and management practices, and the dubious relations among the local government and state enterprises, Researcher tries to understand the differences in the spatial development in downriver area of Yangtze river basin (under the “socialist market economy”), that region under capitalist system and other third world areas. With literature basically lacking in non-capitalist spatial development experiences, research work of this type is theoretically significant. This paper also want to delineate modes of land development and the factors that underlie and prompt this tremendous spatial overhaul now taking place in the downriver region. For example, the new systems of paid land use rights, the decentralization of financial and land development powers, and a series of reforms in taxation and management of state-owned enterprises are seen as the basic conditions of the transformation. As we know, these varieties of industrial land development and the institutional contingencies are formulating in the downriver of Yangtze river basin region into a developmental powerhouse that is very different from the patterns described by mainstream Western regional development theories.

主题分类 工程學 > 土木與建築工程
工程學 > 市政與環境工程
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