


Balancing Urban-Rural Development in The Process of Globalizaion-From The Viewpoint of Urban Entrepreneurialism


廖石(Su Liao)


都市企業化主義 ; 城際合作 ; 城際競爭 ; 都市行銷 ; 都市政權 ; Urban entrepreneurialism ; Inter-city cooperation ; Inter-city competition ; City marketing ; Urban regime.




28卷2期(2001 / 08 / 01)


155 - 170




在現代資本流動全球化及去工業化的時期,都市已逐漸取代國家,成為全球市場競爭的主體,加上新自由主義興起,強調減少管制,著重市場機能,在此一趨勢下,「都市企業化主義」興起,成為地方在「城際競爭」壓力下追求發展的典範,但是公、私部門的本質及目的不同,鄉村地區相對於都市又處於弱勢地位,除非有城鄉計畫體系的配合,一昧追求發展而強調「企業化」,反而可能導致資源的濫用與鄉村經濟的惡化,因此,未來的城鄉規劃必須以「城際合作」為基礎,強調區域整合、城鄉聯結、區域財政收支自主、順應市場機制及人才吸引,才可能增進 計畫的效能,維持城鄉的均衡發展。


In the wake of de-industrialization and globalization, cities are emerging as the major players in the world market. The rising neo-liberalism that emphasizes on de-regulation, privatization, and free market mechanism, has caused ever more intensive inter-city competition. To struggle for growth in this place war, most places have adopted more pro-active growth strategy-from traditional managerialism to new entrepreneurialism. However, considering the different features and purposes between the public sector and the private sector, and the difficulties of rural areas to compete with urban areas in the economic arena, applying urban entrepreneurialism in rural areas without appropriate planning system may worsen the economic condition in rural areas and cause more spatial disparity problems. This paper therefore suggests that the future city and country planning should be based on inter-city cooperation. Also, it should focus more on regional integration, urban-rural solidarity, and regional financial planning so as to balance urban-rural development.

主题分类 工程學 > 土木與建築工程
工程學 > 市政與環境工程
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