A case-based planning support system applies previous planning experiences to assist the current planning. The system heavily relies on the “case recall,” which is to seek appropriate references. The procedure of “case recall” determines the success of the system. Therefore, “case recall” is a key component of the case-based planning support system. The key topics include establishing the index of case recall, selecting usage of referenced cases, and judging among similar case in the process of whole case recall. The purpose of this paper is to use the industrial-commercial park planning to discuss the “case recall” issues of the case-based system construction. In the case-recalling mechanism, the index system constitutes of 12 index items and 39 index contents, revised by the role construct repertory test (Rep Test), which is based on personal construct theory. Second, this research surveys potential users' selection behaviors to construct super-ordinate construct and sub-ordinate construct. Third, to select reference cases with similarity, this research also discusses the development of case set similarities and proposes a set of development of judgment of similarities from the different data scale indices. Finally, the research develops a prototyping system, which combines ArcView 3.2 (a geographic information system package) and a CBR shell (developed by the authors with Delphi language), relies on two criteria: “recall ratio” and “precision ratio” to evaluate the theorem and development method.
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