


Globalization And The Development Producer Services in Taiwan's Metropolises


金家禾(Chia-Ho Ching)


全球化 ; 產業結構變遷 ; 生產者服務業 ; Globalization ; Industrial structure changes ; Producer services




28卷4期(2001 / 12 / 01)


495 - 518




台灣都會區之產業結構受全球化驅動而產生變遷,呈現如先進國家都市一樣,於製造業因外移而衰微之同時,生產者服務產業(PS)逐漸成長,然而, PS產業於各都會區之發展條件與型態不同,本文主旨在於探討此差異之緣由,並印證除台北都會區之PS業者外,其餘地區之業者服務輸出能力低,且於全球連結之能力呈弱化發展,造成此結果實與台灣以製造代工方式參與全球分工之發展模式有關,若定位發展PS產業為因應全球化策略之一,則需努力建立台灣產品於全球市場之品牌與銷售通路,並克服PS產業發展之限制與課題。


Taiwan's Metropolises face the issue of industrial restructuring which is influenced by globalization. Following the path of other developed countries' cities, Taiwan metropolises' producer services (PS) sector is growing while manufacturing sector declining. However, the development conditions and patterns in these areas' PS sector are different with developed countries' cities. The variance may relate to different functions of these areas played in the global network of labor division. The aim of this paper is to investigate their differences and the possible reasons for these variances. Preliminary findings suggest that with the exception of Taipei, Taiwan's PS firms are weakly in global linking and mainly providing services for local manufacturing firms rather than transnational investment firms. The weakly development of global linking is mainly confined by the subcontractor role that Taiwan has chosen to develop since 1960s. If the government targets promoting PS sector as one of the strategy for responding globalization in order to offset job/income (GDP) losing due to the declining of manufacturing sector, it needs to make efforts to establish Taiwan's own brands of industrial products and selling channels in global market, and overcome several obstacles faced by PS sector.

主题分类 工程學 > 土木與建築工程
工程學 > 市政與環境工程
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