


An Analysis of the Management and Maintenance Modes of Condominium in Taipei


洪子茵(Tzu-Ying Hung);張金鶚(Chin-Oh Chang)


集合住宅 ; 管理維護 ; 管理模式 ; 住戶滿意度 ; Condominium ; Management & maintenance ; Management mode ; Household satisfaction




29卷3期(2002 / 11 / 01)


421 - 444




住戶對其居家環境每日必需的管理維護工作通常有兩大類選擇:住戶自行負責或委託管理維護公司。究竟是什麼因素在影響住戶對管理維護模式的選擇?又是哪一種管理維護模式最能讓住戶感到滿意?此乃本研究關注之焦點。 實證結果發現,集合住宅的「規模」與「價格」是影響模式選擇的關鍵,當戶數規模與管理費用越足夠,選擇委託管理模式的機率將越大。平均而言,高層大廈與社區,選擇委託管理較自行管理的勝算分別為公寓的6.357倍與4.245倍。此外,當戶數規模平均每增加10戶,選擇委託管理模式的機率就會增加3.9% ;而當管理費用平均每坪增加10元時,選擇委託管理模式的機率亦會增加6.5 %。 至於管理維護模式與住戶滿意度的探討,委由管理維護公司來維護社區的結果均比自行管理來得讓住戶滿意,而「部分委託管理模式」則是四種模式中滿意度最高者。究其原因,管理公司雖有其專業知能與經驗的優勢,但也可能存在著代理問題,受到這二者相互權衡(trade-off) 的影響,全部委託管理的滿意度便不如部分委託管理。


Regarding the daily needs of management and maintenance of living environment, there are two common options. First, household conducts all of the basic and dad-to-day management functions (owner management mode); second option, the household hires a property management company to provide and monitor a number of services such as repair and maintenance quality control (company management mode). This paper is focus on the factors of affecting the choice of management mode. Moreover, we also discuss which management mode that can provide the higher degree of satisfaction. The empirical results show that the main factors of selections between different management modes are the “scale” and the “price” of the condominium. On average, comparing company management and owner management, the probability of choosing company management is 6.357 times more in high-rise buildings than in apartment, and 4.245 times more in the community than in apartment. Besides, when the scale of the quantity increases ten units, the probability of choosing company management will increase 3.9%; and when the management cost goes up ten dollars per ping, the probability of choosing company management will also increase 6.5% . The relationship between the management modes and the household satisfaction, general speaking, the household can get more satisfaction from the result of company management mode. Moreover, the outcome of “part company management mode” is the most outstanding one. The reason is that although the company has the professional knowledge and superior management skills, there does also exist the agency problem. Due to the trade-off relationship, the satisfaction of “complete company management mode” is less than “part company management mode”.

主题分类 工程學 > 土木與建築工程
工程學 > 市政與環境工程
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