


Cultural Recognition- A Discussion of Heritage Preservation in Taipei City


廖世璋(Shin-Chang Liao);錢學陶(Hsueh-Tao Chien)


文化資產保存法 ; 古蹟保存 ; 保存永續性 ; 範型移轉 ; 文化認同 ; The Law for Cultural Heritage Protection ; Heritage preservation ; Preservation sustainability ; Paradigm-shift ; Cultural recognition




29卷3期(2002 / 11 / 01)


471 - 489




文化資產保存法執行至今日已有二十年,其中浮現出許多古蹟保存失敗的問題,然而這些問題並不僅是保存技術得當與否之問題而己,更是一個文化現象與社會議題。本文為有鑑於古蹟保存的永續性是相當重要的目標,又觀察到台北市經常發生古蹟損毀之現象,而在研究中發現目前古蹟保存工作的最根本問題:為過於傾向外力介入的保存方式。此外,這些不同問題卻共同指向一個在地性的保存議題,必須透過當地社會基層的文化認同來取得歷史空間認同,才能達到永續保存的目標。 本文論述目前古蹟指定情形之分析、現況問題及古蹟損毀類型與原因、古蹟保存模式的移轉等內容,以及在最後提出一個走向住民自覺的社會實踐概念及幾個可能的建議,來彌補過去保存工作中所遺漏之處,提供另一個有別於目前古蹟保存主流論述的思考方式。


The Law for Cultural Heritage Protection has been implemented in Taiwan for 20 years. Many failure cases of heritage protection have occurred, and these cases not only reflect the problems on the techniques of preservation, but also concern the problems of cultural phenomenon and social issues. Sustainability is an important goal on heritage preservation. It is observed that many historic sites were damaged in Taipei. In this research, the authors find that the essential problem on heritage preservation is due to the intervention of the external force on the process of heritage preservation. In addition, above-mentioned problems also raise the issue of on-site preservation. The historic space recognition can be gained only through the awareness of cultural identify of the local society; the goal of sustainability of preservation can then be achieved. This paper provides the information of the current situation of the designation of historic sites and its problems. It also analyzes the types and the inferences of the heritage damage, and the paradigm-shifts of historic preservation are also analyzed. Finally, this paper raises a concept of social practice while forming a local resident's awareness society. The suggestions to cover the missing points in current heritage preservation, which are somehow different with current mainstream thinking of these subject are also proposed.

主题分类 工程學 > 土木與建築工程
工程學 > 市政與環境工程
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