


The Determination of Technological Risk Perception and Risk Consumption: Using Grey Information Relation Approach


洪鴻智(Hung-Chin Hung)


風險知覺 ; 心理決策 ; 灰色理論 ; 社會信任 ; 風險消費 ; 鄰避設施 ; Grey theory ; NIMBY facilities ; Psychological decision making ; Risk consumption ; Risk perception ; Social trust




29卷4期(2002 / 12 / 01)


575 - 593






Technological risks in urban development are not only evoking NIMBY (not in my backyard) syndrome, but also converting as a major potential hazard in our life. The psychologist concern the effects of public risk perception at technology are emphasis on the psychological characteristics. They ignore information, social trusts and socio-economic factors, which play importance roles on public facing technological risks process. Furthermore, it is rare for the authors in keeping attention on the decision making of mitigating risk, which is related to the risk consumption decision associated with technological risk. This paper incorporates a two-level risk psychological decision-making model using grey relation analysis as a method to examine the relationship among perceived risk, attitude for investing in risk mitigation and relevant socio-economic factors. In an empirical illustration results indicates that the social trust of risk information and the demand for risk regulation are significantly related to risk perceived as well as the willingness to invest on risk mitigating.

主题分类 工程學 > 土木與建築工程
工程學 > 市政與環境工程
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