From the viewpoint of classical economics, it is assumed that taxation on land value is neutral toward resource allocation. However, this argument has been criticized by the modern economics, which maintains that neutrality discourse is a controversial issue. Several papers have indicated that it has lacked of its consideration on the issue of irreversible and deferrable investment decisions.This paper is based upon this criticism, and it not only focuses on the land present value model but also applies real option theory to extend an optimal model under uncertainty market. The result demonstrates that development is postponed when the market is in the condition of uncertainty. Under uncertainty market, taxation on land value before and after development does show neutral effect if it contains uniform tax rates. However, the result shows that differences of the pre- and post-development tax rates do have non-neutral consequences. It is also important to note that the larger of the uncertainty of the market the greater effects on the fluctuating characteristic of neutrality.
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