


An Application of Earthquake Risk-Benefit Analysis in Land Use Planning: Using HAZ-Taiwan System


陳亮全(Liang-Chun Chen);洪鴻智(Hung-Chih Hung);詹士樑(Shih-Liang Chan);簡長毅(Chang-Yi Chien)


HAZ-Taiwan ; 土地使用 ; 地震風險 ; 風險-效益分析 ; 都市防災 ; Earthquake risk ; HAZ-Taiwan ; Land use ; Risk-benefit analysis ; Urban disaster prevention




30卷4期(2003 / 12 / 01)


281 - 299






Local authorities rarely use risk analysis instruments, the most appropriate level of seismic hazard and risk assessment, to employ as a decision-making support system in their planning and development procedures. The main purpose of this article is to provide an available instrument and methodology for planners to accomplish such analysis. We illustrated an example of seismic risk analysis for Shilin district, using available land-use map, and a probabilistic earthquake hazard model developed by National Science Council's HAZ-Taiwan earthquake loss estimation software. We estimated the total and annual expected loss owing to three earthquakes and the spatial distributions of risk. The analysis presented that the average total predicted loss in Shilin was NT$ 113.7 billion and the expected annual earthquake loss was NT$ 77 million per year. The risk was more accumulated in the southwest, south and west regions in Shilin. We also investigated the extent to which future land-use plan growth would change this risk. It showed that the planned growth reduce of 1.18% would cause a decreasing in risk to NT$ 8.6 billion. This paper suggests the ways in which to perform the earthquake hazard and risk evaluations. It is important for planners to evaluate whether their planning is appropriate.

主题分类 工程學 > 土木與建築工程
工程學 > 市政與環境工程
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