This article aims to explore the transformation of local growth coalitions and the strategy of spatial governance by investigating the social-political process of the spatial formation of Tainan Techonopolis. The empirical study shows that the spatial formation of the Technopolis was affected by the engagement of many actors in a complex process, and the local growth coalitions were also transformed. We argue that the formation of the spatial project is relevant to the cooperation between public and private sectors, while the emerging complexity of related interests did challenge the governance of the existing local growth coalition. Moreover, how to exercise the trans-scalar bargaining power and preemptive power is very important for the actors to achieve their derivative interests from the large development plan. Finally, this article highlights that the process of capitalist urbanization and the governance mechanism of the growth coalition are endogenous to each other under certain structural context, as well as the fact that analytical perspective of the spatial governance would boost the study of urbanization.
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