


Social Discourse on Sustainable Taiwan Indicator System (STIS): Theory and Practice




王俊秀(Chin-Shou Wang)


全球在地化 ; 永續發展同心圓 ; 培力 ; 典範轉移 ; 永續台灣評量系統 ; 短氣度 ; Glocalization ; Sustainable development concentric model ; Empowerment ; Paradigm shift ; Sustainable Taiwan indicator system STIS




32卷2期(2005 / 06 / 01)


179 - 202






The concept of ”sustainable development” (SD) has been one of the major keywords of 21(superscript st) century Ho to link sustainable development with global, regional, national and local actions is a matter of life and death for the earth Among them, sustainable development indicator system plays a significant role in measuring ”sustainability”. This article is an attempt to conduct a discourse, in a social orientation, on sustainable Tai an indicator system (STIS) in terms of IPO (input, process and output) model and glocalized approach. First, ”sustainable development concentric model” is presented to address SD's social context and content. Second, related theories and models are reviewed in the perspectives of environmental sociology. Based on that above mentioned, this paper aims at introducing STIS's social structure and rationale including PSR model and her four categories In addition, governmental linkage as well as local empowerment is observed in linking with STIS. Finally, ”paradigm shift” is presented to conclude social discourse on STIS in promoting ”sustainable Taiwan”.

主题分类 工程學 > 土木與建築工程
工程學 > 市政與環境工程
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