


A Review of Urban Sustainability Indicators: Systems Framework and Policy Evaluation




黃書禮(Shu-Li Huang);葉佳宗(Chia-Tsung Yeh);陳俐伶(Li-Ling Chen)


都市永續性指標 ; 政策評估 ; 感受性系統模型 ; 型態辨識 ; 半量化模擬 ; Urban sustainability indicators ; Policy evaluation ; Sensitivity model tools ; Pattern recognition ; Semi-quantitative simulation




32卷2期(2005 / 06 / 01)


227 - 251




本文回顧國際上相關的都市永續發展指標系統,探討指標系統架構與內涵之問的差異,進而說明永續台灣評量系統中「都市台灣」指標系統的重要特色,以及指標項目選定的理論基礎。藉由永續台灣評量系統中22個範疇的型態辨識,本文分析了都市在台灣永續發展中所扮演的角色,確認都市生產與生活型態對於對於國家整體永續發展的重要性,也驗證了生態系統觀點中都市對於環境的依存與影響。考量都市發展決策過程需要永續性的評量機制,本文利用都市永續發展指標作為政策評估的重要變數,應用互動式電腦軟體「感受性系統模型(Sensitivity Model Tools)」以系統性觀點進行都市發展政策永續性的評析。透過系統軟體功能掌握變數結構的完整性以及系統變數之間的相互影響關係,並藉助於團體諮詢與討論的溝通方式建構半量化的(semi-quantitative)系統變數,配合概念化及模糊化的方式界定變數水準以及函數關係進行系統模擬工作。藉由系統模擬瞭解變數之間的互動關係,而政策評估案例分析顯示台北市硬體建設政策較空間調整政策發揮較大的效果。永續指標與系統工具的結合整體而言提供了都市政策永續性評估的溝通與預測介面。


This paper reviews the development of urban sustainability indicators and investigates the frameworks and contents of various indicator systems Based on the review of previous researches, we discuss the theoretical background for establishing the indicators of ”Urban Taiwan” to measure Taiwan's sustainability In order to identify the role of urban area in Taiwan's overall sustainable development, we applied a semi-quantitative system model (Sensitivity Model Tools) to recognize the patterns of 22 categories of Taiwan's Sustainable Development Indicators We also apply Sensitivity Model to evaluate the effect of urban policy on sustainability indicators via system simulation The semi-quantitative relations for simulation by Sensitivity Model Tools between variables are derived from group discussions As the results of the case study in Taipei city, we show that the construction of public facility in Taipei City have enhanced the sustainable development The efforts to incorporate systems approach for policy evaluation also can provide an interface between urban sustainability indicators and urban development policies.

主题分类 工程學 > 土木與建築工程
工程學 > 市政與環境工程
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