


The Local Embeddedness of the Trans-Border Production Networks and the Evolution of Local Institutions: A Case Study of Greater Dongguan Area's IT Cluster




楊友仁(You-Ren Yang);夏鑄九(Chu-Joe Hsia)


跨界生產網絡 ; 在地鑲嵌 ; 制度 ; 資訊電子業台商 ; 區位優勢 ; 產業聚落 ; 區域發展 ; 全球化 ; Trans-border production networks ; Local embeddedness ; Institution ; Taiwanese IT companies ; Locational advantage ; Cluster ; Regional development ; Globalization




32卷3期(2005 / 10 / 01)


277 - 301






This article aims at investigating the characteristics of IT cluster in the Greater Dongguan Area (GDA) by reconstructing the concept of ”local embeddedness”. We argue that the GDA had transformed from an export-oriented enclave to the bridge -head for the Taiwanese IT companies to explore the Mainland's market. The Taiwanese IT production networks are 're-embedding' in the GDA, but local institutions that used to support export now become the bottleneck for the transformation. Finally, this study shows that the concept of ”local embeddedness” we reconstructed could capture the dynamics of interaction between the trans-border production networks and the host regions suitably, and the concept has more analytical potential than that of ”locational advantage” in exploring globalized regional development.

主题分类 工程學 > 土木與建築工程
工程學 > 市政與環境工程
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