


Subjective Quality of Life Measurement in Taipei City




李永展(Yung-Jaan Lee);吳孟芳(Meng-Fang Wu)


生活品質 ; 滿意度 ; 線性結構關係模式 ; 台北市 ; Quality of life ; Satisfaction ; LISREL ; Taipei city




32卷4期(2005 / 12 / 01)


387 - 420






Quality of Life (QOL) measurement can be applied as an environmental diagnosis of policy strategies and is the foundation for drafting future spatial and urban planning policies. This study first conducts a review of QOL literature. The extensively adopted Detroit Area Study (DAS), used as the basic theoretical structure in this study, is modified to meet Taipei's social, cultural and geographical contexts. A field survey of 331 Taipei residents is performed to determine residents' subjective measurements of their QOL. A Linear Structure Relation (LISREL) analysis is performed to investigate the causal relationships among QOL variables. Survey results indicate that districts, marriage, age, education, and income affect various satisfaction domains. The goodness of fit of the LISREL is acceptable. Survey results of the LISREL model suggest that the principal factors influencing satisfaction are safety evaluation, public service evaluation, neighborhood relationships and community evaluation. However, the influence of neighborhood environmental evaluation and neighborhood attachments is trivial, almost irrelevant. Restated, respondents are most concerned with personal safety and public services, which are also the principal factors affecting Taipei's QOL.

主题分类 工程學 > 土木與建築工程
工程學 > 市政與環境工程
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