


New Orientation of Landscape Planning in National Spatial Planning




曾梓峰(Tse-Fong Tseng);陳子文(Tzu-Wen Chen)


國土規劃 ; 景觀計畫 ; 景觀 ; 景觀規劃 ; 生態景觀 ; National spatial planning ; Landscape master plan ; Landscape ; Landscape planning ; Ecological landscape




34卷3期(2007 / 09 / 01)


219 - 240




國土空間計畫是一個國家發展中指導資源開發及土地使用的重要基礎。台灣的國土空間發展體系長期來被高度發展之土地利用模式所支配,以承載及創造高度的經濟發展。然而過度利用甚至剝削自然資源的事實,忽視環境保育,以及輕忽城鄉風貌品質的空間計畫,也成為國家社會發展競爭力發展的障礙。當前永續發展的趨勢中,強調資源保育與開發並重之原則,追求土地合理利用,促進產業均衡發展,並同時改善居民之生活環境品質的理想,必須落實在國土規劃及空間發展管制體系中。建構合宜之國土空間規劃及管制體系,以及合理之內容與規範,以追求優質國土環境永續之發展,成為刻不容緩之課題。 台灣國土空間發展計畫已經開始朝向新的制度性調整,研議以城鄉發展區、農業發展區與國土保育區作為發展管制的依據。然而這種大尺度的環境保護雖然奠定了台灣整體社會永續的生存基礎,然而對於那些處於城鄉生活脈絡近身周遭的自然環境,應該如何保護與保育,並轉換成為共生共構的永續生活環境,並未有進一步的工具與系統來促成。因應當前國土空間發展以及規劃體系建構的新趨勢,景觀計畫被視為一種新的工具,來承載國土規劃過程中環境保護、自然保育以及人文環境維護的任務,以進一步落實國土空間永續發展。然而,其功能與角色為何,缺乏進一步的探討。 因此本研究藉由對國外景觀發展趨勢與「景觀計畫」制度脈絡建置的掌握,以及具體以國內一些實驗性的行動案例,探討景觀計畫與國土空間規劃共構發展的可能性,以及景觀計畫在整體國土空間規劃之土地合理使用上所應具備之任務角色。


The National Spatial Plan is basically a foundation for guiding resource and land use in the context of national development. The national spatial development system of Taiwan has long been dominated by intensive land use to support and create strong economic development. However, excessive utilization and exploitation of natural resources, ignorance of environmental protection, and disregard for the quality of the urban and rural landscape, have also emerged as obstacles to national development and competitiveness. Owing to the current trend of sustainable development, a new development vision has been created that assigns equal importance to achieving resource protection and development goals], This development vision focuses on efficient and reasonable land use, balanced industrial development, and improving living environment quality, and this vision must be realized as part of the national planning and control system. The development of optimal national spatial planning and control systems based on good living quality designed to ensure a sustainable and high quality environment has emerged as a critical issue. The plan for national spatial development system of Taiwan has already started the shift toward the new systematic Orientation, with the three division land use control model focusing on urban and rural development zones, agricultural development zones, and natural conservation zones. Nevertheless, although such environmental protection measures have been established on a large scale, none of the planning systems and tools for the ecological protection of natural environments and the sustainable development of urban and rural life contexts at the next level are yet complete. To address new trends in constructing new national spatial development and planning systems, landscape plans are considered a new tool for supporting the nature conservation, ecological protection, and cultural environment maintenance missions during national spatial planning. However, current research is lacking in terms of the functions and roles. Therefore, this study thus uses monitoring of landscape development trends and the implementation of the ”Landscape Master Plan” system in some overseas countries, and a number of experimental case studies in Taiwan, to investigate the possibility of integrating the landscape master plan into the national spatial planning system, and the function of landscape planning to achieve reasonable and efficient land use to help achieve national spatial planning objectives.

主题分类 工程學 > 土木與建築工程
工程學 > 市政與環境工程
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