


Assessment of Location for Ecological Conservation and Land Development on the Hsin-Chu Coast




閻克勤(Ke-Chin Yen);王櫻燕(Ying-Yen Wang);陳天佑(Tian-Yow Chang)


海岸 ; 生態保育 ; 土地開發 ; 資源整合 ; 地理資訊系統 ; Coast, Ecological conservation ; Land development ; Resource integration ; geographic information system GIS




34卷4期(2007 / 12 / 01)


385 - 415




海岸環境敏感多變,面對各項發展的需求,海岸開發勢必無法避免,然而過度開發卻會對海岸造成不可逆之衝擊,並間接影響生態體系平衡及破壞地理環境資源。新竹市西臨台灣海峽,近年推動「新竹市沿海17公里觀光帶」促進民眾體驗生態旅遊及對海岸資源的認知,臨海的濕地面積為全台灣最大,且香山濕地屬於東亞水鳥遷徙分佈網的重要一環,益加突顯此濕地生態系平衡的重要性,如何在自然生態環境與社會經濟效益上求得海岸土地使用的最佳平衡點與空間分配模式,將是未來新竹市海岸規劃決策上的重要議題。 本研究主要為設計一套海岸環境資訊系統、架構海岸地理資訊系統分析模式,藉由專家問卷使用層級分析法取得權重,並進一步以新竹市海岸環境空間為對象進行整合操作與分析,最後可得到三種不同程度的發展結果。其次,一方面試圖藉由操作本研究建立的分析模式,套用在新竹市海岸環境,測試本研究建立的模式之準確度與可行性;另一方面藉以整合新竹市海岸環境的空間區位之最適使用定位與發展,使海岸開發對生態環境、人文經濟之衝擊減至最低,並且可作為生態學空間化之環境管理技術的研究基礎。研究結果將可整合海岸土地利用潛力及生態敏感度的空間資訊,提供新竹市未來進行海岸土地開發利用及環境資源保育之參考。


Coastal environments are susceptible to change. Demand for development makes coastal exploitation inevitable; however, excessive development brings irreversible impacts, altering ecological system balance while damaging the environment. The Taiwan Strait is located to the west of the City of Hsin-Chu. The Hsin-Chu Government has recently launched a promotional campaign focused on its 17-km-long tourist coastal corridor, with the aim of educating the public about ecological tourism and coastal resources. The wetland in this area is the largest in Taiwan. Furthermore, with the migratory flyways for waterbird passing through the Shiang-Shan Wetland, the importance of maintaining a balanced ecological system on this wetland has been identified as extremely important, meaning the question of balancing ecological protection with social economic benefits, along with integration of spatial allocation have become important issues for decision makers responsible for coastal development in the Shiang-Shan area. This study develops a novel framework for a geographic information system (GIS) for the coastal environment in the municipal Hsin-Chu area. This system can be utilized to assess types of land use or utilization of ecological environment using a set of control rules. The proposed the system, aided by GIS application software, considers ecological and economic demands, and public expectations. The spatial ecology of the coastal environment is first analyzed and coastal resource utilization is integrated, thus minimizing the ecological impact of coastal developments. This integrated approach for the spatial study of coastal ecological environments and land use integrates data on coastal land capability and the carrying capacity of the environment, while providing a reference for future development. The research results can be applied to assess the utilization or development of coastal lands, or to conserve environmental resources.

主题分类 工程學 > 土木與建築工程
工程學 > 市政與環境工程
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