


Local Development Strategies in Taiwan: Governance and Networking




范淑敏(Shu-Min Fan);周志龍(Tsu-Lung Chou)


政策網絡 ; 地方發展策略 ; 網絡化 ; Local development strategy ; the networking approach ; Challenge 2008-National Development Plan




35卷2期(2008 / 06 / 10)


99 - 122






Many studies have examined government intervention had achieved industrialization and economic growth in Taiwan successfully. However, the importance of local development has been ignored in this process, especially in less developed areas. Due to economic globalization and political pressures, the nation was forced to deal with the tasks of local development, and then integrated local development strategies into national development plan. This study analyzes the processes and outcomes of implementing local development policy from the perspectives of networks and governance by performing a case study of ”Local Industry Exchange Center” under the ”Challenge 2008-National Development Plan” implemented by the Department of Commerce, MOEA. The paper is organized into two main sections. First, the network as a governance structure and its implications for local economic development is explored. Next, how to decide and implement local development strategies are discussed under the governance structure of the network from various dimensions. These inquiries reveal not only formal institutional arrangements, but also complex informal relationships in the policy-making process.

主题分类 工程學 > 土木與建築工程
工程學 > 市政與環境工程
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