


Comparative Analysis of the Housing Purchase Decision-Making Processes of Home- Buyers and Potential Home-Buyers: The Difference between Revealed Preference and Stated Preference




朱芳妮(Fang-Ni Chu);張金鶚(Chin-Oh Chang);陳淑美(Shu-Mei Chen)


購屋決策模式 ; 巢式羅吉特模式 ; 顯示性偏好 ; 敘述性偏好 ; Housing purchase decision-making model ; Nested logit model ; Revealed reference ; Stated preference




35卷4期(2008 / 12 / 01)


339 - 359






As housing oversupply can cause a slump in real estate markets, housing purchase behavior is a main topic in housing demand research. This study uses data for home- buyers and potential homebuyers in the same period to analyze housing purchase decision-making models, and compare similarities and dissimilarities between them. Empirical results demonstrate that although decision-making patterns of these two groups are the same, the impacts of explanatory factors differ, and do their decision-making processes. Regardless of which data set is used to forecast housing purchase behavior and market demand, the prediction will be biased because data for home- buyers only covers the past market demand and the data for potential home-buyers merely covers behavior patterns without adjustments or amendments for the influence of internal and external factors. Consequently, by combining the housing purchase preferences of these two groups and considering the influence of external factors for scenario simulations and forecasting analyses, an objective housing purchase forecasting model can be constructed. This model will be a reference for real estate developers, home- buyers and potential home- buyers.

主题分类 工程學 > 土木與建築工程
工程學 > 市政與環境工程
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