


Reflexive Community Empowerment: Geographical Imagination of Practice




王文誠(Wen-Cheng Wang)


社區營造 ; 反身性 ; 另類經濟地理 ; 社區貨幣 ; 時間銀行 ; Community empowerment ; Reflexivity ; Alternative economic geography ; Community currencies ; Time bank




38卷1期(2011 / 03 / 31)


1 - 29






This study attempts to respond to 'Reflections on Community Empowerment (CE)' published in the ”Journal of City and Planning” in 2008, by presenting a perspective on 'Reflexive Community Empowerment' based on practical participatory observations, as presented in the argument of Giddens regarding reflexivity in a modern society being related to the democratization of Taiwan and its political transition towards providing CE experience and practice. The state initiated CE in 1994, but scholars and community elites have launched it as a new social movement in Taiwan. Since 2002, community members have successively performed the task of cultural translation to create pluralism and diversity, and their locally institutional reflexivity mobilizes the possibilities of the networked communities in the face of global neoliberalisation. Additionally, this study articulates the involving more recent process related to the alternative economic geographies of the local currency system emerged in Taiwan. Finally, the study presents arguments that go beyond the analyses of the perspective of national identity on the CE practice, but employs wider practical geographical imaginations to examine the experience of the CE movement in Taiwan.

主题分类 工程學 > 土木與建築工程
工程學 > 市政與環境工程
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