


Cultural Landscape Preservation in Tai-An Village




李素馨(Su-Hsin Lee);劉子綺(Tzu-Chi Liu);侯錦雄(Jing-Shoung Hou)


文化資產 ; 社會群體 ; 意涵 ; 地方治理 ; Cultural heritage ; Social group ; Signification ; Local governance




38卷1期(2011 / 03 / 31)


47 - 71






Traditional villages are undergoing a transformation of local industry towards cultural tourism, and the conflict and struggle between cultural preservation and economic development frequently involve the operation of different groups. The distribution of power resources and competition in space is an important issue, but seldom discussed in urban and regional planning. This study investigated the differences in cultural landscape preservation and designation among three social groups including residents, local elites, and professionals/administrations. Dialogue and discussion to integrate common values of the three groups, as well as the use of Tai-An Village as case study, yielded the following results: (1) Intention to preserve the cultural landscape of Tai-An Village varies among groups. Preservation intention of professionals/administrators mostly focuses on two famous landscapes, the heritage mountain railway line of Tai-An Train Station and Truss Bridge, while the local residents focus on the ordinary landscape around them. (2) Four landscapes were examined, namely the Ai-Yong Ancient Trail, Fu-Xing Temple, Secret Hole, and Dual Rail New Tai-An Station, revealing that intentions towards these landscapes differed significantly between ”residents and local elites” and ”administrations/professions”. (3) The common values of residents of Tai-An derive from the participation in and accomplishments of social organizations. (4) The meanings of different groups assign to the physical environment may be developed through dialogue to construct the concept of local governance and develop different cultural tourism strategies. This result provides a mechanism for assigning and promoting cultural landscape. This study proposes a mechanism for promoting cultural landscapes that is based on government, communities and civil society cooperating to designate cultural assets.

主题分类 工程學 > 土木與建築工程
工程學 > 市政與環境工程
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