


The Effect of Landscape Complexity on Natural Landscape Preference




謝孟倫(Meng-Lun Hsieh);林晏州(Yann-Jou Lin)


景觀複雜度 ; 碎形維度 ; 景觀偏好 ; Landscape complexity ; Fractal dimension ; Landscape preference




38卷4期(2011 / 12 / 01)


427 - 447






The effect of landscape complexity on landscape preference has long been discussed. However, previous studies had difficulty objectively measuring landscape complexity, thus have obtained varied results. This study attempts to evaluate the effect of landscape complexity on individual preferences for natural landscapes, and to verify the relationship between them. Fractal dimension, a newly emerged concept, is applied as the index of landscape complexity in this study because of its self-similarity identity and ability to describe the complexity of landscape characteristics. This study uses a series of natural landscape pictures as stimuli, where the preferences of each picture are evaluated by the participants, and the fractal dimension (Db) is measured by software. The analytical results show the existence of an inverted U-shape curve between the fractal dimension and landscape preference, 1.333 is the most strongly preferred Db value. According to the result, people preferred lower-middle landscape complexity most, which confirms the hypothesis proposed by previous researchers. The application of fractal dimension and the results presented in this study are valuable in related fields and can contribute to the future research

主题分类 工程學 > 土木與建築工程
工程學 > 市政與環境工程
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