


Study of the Spatial Transform Mechanism in City-region Post-disaster Rehabilitation in Mainland China after the 512 Wen-Chuan Earthquake: Pengzhou and Yingxiu




洪啟東(Chi-Tung Hung);劉純芳(Chun-Fang Liu)


災後重建 ; 對口支援 ; 重建產業 ; 城鎮規劃 ; 汶川震災 ; 空間發展 ; Post-disaster rehabilitation ; Counterpart support ; Industry reconstruction ; Town planning ; Wen-Chuan Earthquake ; Spatial development




39卷2期(2012 / 06 / 01)


199 - 223




中國大陸城鎮與區域空間的重建論述少見於發展研究論述,尤其常以量化或問卷形式探討重大災害的個案比較分析,以及災後重建空間的規劃及其相關的空間轉化機制。過去相關文獻與西方重建論述之發現在於:非政府組織與地方政府(台、日),或中央的救災機構與機制(北美),與災區的重建有重要牽連;然而,本文欲提出的是,中國大陸的512 汶川災後重建卻是獨樹一格的,其利用「對口支援」(既垂直的中央集權,也平行式的以跨域空間複製的治理形式)效率化的完成重建工作。研究貢獻在於,透過深入訪談及田野調查的研究方法,對於512汶川震災災後重建的彭州市磁峰鎮鹿坪村與汶川縣映秀鎮作實證研究(empirical study);論述災區空間再生產及其脆弱度的災後重建視角,並描繪出在農村災後產業重建策略、地方政府運作組織及其殊異化的發展模式。前述研究成果在於例證了,另類的產業重建規劃、「對口支援」夥伴關係與地方結盟等機制,巧妙的被運用在災後重建的產業型態調適(adaptive planning),並扣連基層的農民議事會參與重建住房分配;扭轉了既由貧瘠的產業空間機能,帶來災區效率化的空間產業與財富地景。是項規劃概念,也暴露日後空間難民與二次社經災害的潛勢危機,前述案例經驗期盼裨益於台灣災後城鎮重建規劃方式與政策論述生產。


City-region spatial transform of the fast process and its town/rural regime of rapid change in Mainland China are brought about by rapid economic growth, however social modernization is rare in developmental discourses, especially in comparative analyses of major disasters and related spatial planning of post-disaster rehabilitation. This study through a case study of the aftermath at Pengszhou and Yingxiu of the 512 Wen-Chuan Earthquake reviews the reconstruction vulnerability mechanism in a rural land system, rehabilitated industry, and the local government's organization and redevelopment pattern. The particular mechanism of the socio-economic rebuilding policy of ”counterpart support” and its spatial developmental partnerships and alliances are examined. Above those are cleverly to be took use in spatial reproduction of post-disaster rehabilitation, and are applied in adaptive planning for the government's town/rural re-construction process. This study also finds alternative democratic forms for representation at the farmer's legislative council and redistribute the rebuilding housing in the reconstruction process. Finally, this study contributes to literatures by presented key planning concepts in post-disaster rehabilitation, and by analyzing the vulnerable rebuilding industry and landscape those who will probably caused the potential spatial refugees and socio-economic secondary disaster. Empirical findings will benefit post-disaster reconstruction plans and policy-making in Taiwan.

主题分类 工程學 > 土木與建築工程
工程學 > 市政與環境工程
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