City-region spatial transform of the fast process and its town/rural regime of rapid change in Mainland China are brought about by rapid economic growth, however social modernization is rare in developmental discourses, especially in comparative analyses of major disasters and related spatial planning of post-disaster rehabilitation. This study through a case study of the aftermath at Pengszhou and Yingxiu of the 512 Wen-Chuan Earthquake reviews the reconstruction vulnerability mechanism in a rural land system, rehabilitated industry, and the local government's organization and redevelopment pattern. The particular mechanism of the socio-economic rebuilding policy of ”counterpart support” and its spatial developmental partnerships and alliances are examined. Above those are cleverly to be took use in spatial reproduction of post-disaster rehabilitation, and are applied in adaptive planning for the government's town/rural re-construction process. This study also finds alternative democratic forms for representation at the farmer's legislative council and redistribute the rebuilding housing in the reconstruction process. Finally, this study contributes to literatures by presented key planning concepts in post-disaster rehabilitation, and by analyzing the vulnerable rebuilding industry and landscape those who will probably caused the potential spatial refugees and socio-economic secondary disaster. Empirical findings will benefit post-disaster reconstruction plans and policy-making in Taiwan.
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