


Encourage Fertility via Decreasing House Price: A Case Study of Taipei Municipal Area




陳文意(Wen-Yi Chen);周美伶(Mei-Lin Chou);林玉惠(Yu-Hui Lin);陳明吉(Ming-Chi Chen)


住宅負擔能力 ; 房價所得比 ; 少子化 ; 生育率 ; Housing affordability ; House price-income ratio ; Lowest-low fertility ; Fertility




40卷2期(2013 / 06 / 30)


191 - 216






This study explores the relationship between the low fertility and high house prices in Taiwan for the first time. Empirical result shows that an equilibrium relationship exists among the house price-income ratio, female labor force participation rate, and female rate of attaining advanced education in the long term. The house price-income ratio will Granger cause total fertility rate, confirming that the house price-income ratio is an important factor when predicting total fertility rate. Additionally, the income effect (price effect) causes the house price-income ratio to positively (negatively) impact the total fertility rate in the short term (in the long term). An increase of 1% in the house price-income ratio, female labor force participation rate, and female rate of attaining advanced education decreases the total fertility rate by 0.141%, 0.473%, and 0.446%, respectively, in the long term. Growth of the female labor force participation rate and female rate of attaining advanced education are moderate relating to that of the house price-income ratio in recent years. Therefore, we assert that the decrease in total fertility rate will be dominated by increases in the house-price-income ratio. The government should consider a housing policy that reduces the cost of household formation in order to increase the fertility rate. A housing price policy should not be managed from the perspective of equity for house buyers and impact on economic development, but rather from the perspective of maintaining social security.

主题分类 工程學 > 土木與建築工程
工程學 > 市政與環境工程
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