


Spatial Patterns for Sustainable Rural Landscape by Biotope Evaluation




李素馨(Su-Hsin Lee);林敬妤(Ching-Yu Lin);吳治達(Chih-Da Wu);莊永忠(Yung-Chung Chuang)


生境 ; 生境評估 ; 生態系統服務 ; 地景規劃 ; 地景保育 ; 焦點團體法 ; Biotope ; Biotope evaluation ; Ecosystem services ; Landscape planning ; Landscape conservation ; Focus group




41卷1期(2014 / 03 / 31)


67 - 97






Global environmental changes can have significant impacts on ecosystems. Agro-ecosystem has decreased due to increased demand for living space caused by rapid population growth, which adversely affects the supply of agricultural land, and further cause a food supply crisis. Destruction of Taiwan's agro-ecosystem is becoming an important issue due to rapid economic and urban development. Since the Agricultural Development Act Amendment in 2000, the farmland around the urban center has dramatically declined. However, few studies have evaluated the rural landscape and the establishment of spatial patterns for its sustainable development. Sanshing Township is located in Yilan County in northern Taiwan. The Shuehshan Tunnel, which was opened in 2006, has reduced commuting time between Taipei and Yilan. Traffic convenience has brought financial benefits and increased residential development in Yilan, but it has adversely impacted the farmland landscape. Biotope evaluation based on ecosystem services theory is applied to establish spatial patterns for sustainable rural landscape. Analytical results show that the value of ecosystem services decreased in the four study periods of 1998, 2001, 2006, and 2010. Among the four major categories of ecosystem services, regulating services decreased fastest. An ideal configuration of rural landscape patterns was proposed based on current land forms using biotope evaluation methodology. Although the overall value of ecosystem services of the proposed configuration is improved, residential control policy is needed to achieve this goal. Analytical results suggest that the biotope evaluation methodology quantifiably assesses landscape functions and has an important role in landscape conservation.

主题分类 工程學 > 土木與建築工程
工程學 > 市政與環境工程
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