


A Research on the Combination of Bikeway and Mass Rapid Transit System as Intention of Public Commuter in Kaohsiung




宋鴻麒(Hung-Chi Sung);黃隆昇(Lung-Sheng Huang)


自行車道 ; 人行道 ; 汽機車道 ; 捷運系統 ; 道路服務水準 ; Bikeway ; Sidewalk ; Vehicle lane ; Mass rapid transit system ; Service level




41卷3期(2014 / 09 / 30)


229 - 258






Currently, the rapid industrial development in Kaohsiung city and the associated increase in vehicle numbers frequently result in traffic congestion. Therefore, the problem that the government must urgently solve is how to decrease traffic flow. The Kaohsiung Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) System is the transport facility designed to decrease traffic volume in the Kaohsiung metropolitan area, but operating outcomes have failed to meet expectations. However, bike riding has become a popular leisure activity in Taiwan. Accordingly, this study aimed to explore public opinion regarding the combined using of bikeways and the Kaohsiung MRT as a commuting tool. This study shows that bikeway design positively influences road service level, and the willingness to use bikeway can be clarified through based on empirical analysis, structural equation modeling, and so on. The bikeway design can increase willingness to use bikes using with the MRT system. However, no direct relationship appears to exist between the MRT system and the elevation of road service level through the subjective perceptions of some individuals, and the weakness of this relationship appears to be the main reason for the operating outcomes of the Kaohsiung MRT failing to meet expectations. Base on the analyses of samples, students can be the primary promotion targets of the Kaohsiung MRT, and can allow all individuals with different educational levels understand the efficacy of taking the MRT and increase willingness to use the combination of bikeways and the MRT using more realistic, and lifelike promotional method.

主题分类 工程學 > 土木與建築工程
工程學 > 市政與環境工程
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