


Proximity, Absorptive Capacity, and Firm Innovation Performance: An Empirical Study of Taiwan's Biotechnology Firms




邊泰明(Tai-Ming Bien);林淑雯(Shu-Wen Lin);陳泓汝(Hong-Ru Chen)


地理鄰近性 ; 組織鄰近性 ; 網絡 ; 吸收能力 ; 創新績效 ; Geographical proximity ; Organizational proximity ; Network ; Absorptive capacity ; Innovation performance




41卷4期(2014 / 12 / 31)


357 - 394






Numerous studies have proved that geographical proximity is attributed to the cluster phenomenon. With globalization of production and the prevalence of cross-area activities, the geographical scope in related studies has been extended with consideration of organizational proximity and network. Having gradually recognized heterogenic firms, scholars have begun to examine the connection between firms' internal capabilities and external knowledge. Regarding geographical proximity and organizational proximity as forms of external knowledge, this study first identifies these two proximities and their relationship, then introduces the internal capabilities of firms to construct a model that shows the influential linkages among external knowledge, internal capability and innovation performance. Using biotechnology firms as research objects and Structural Equation Modeling as the method, this study finds that both geographical proximity and firm absorptive capability are important to firm innovation performance, but the former requires organizational proximity to contribute firm innovation performance.

主题分类 工程學 > 土木與建築工程
工程學 > 市政與環境工程
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