


An Actor-network Analysis of Highland Water Supply System in Metropolitan Community




王瑞庚(David Walther);彭立沛(Li-Pei Peng)


高地供水 ; 行動者網絡 ; 社區治理 ; 社區發展協會 ; 公寓大廈管理委員會 ; Highland water supply ; Actor-network ; Community governance ; Community development association ; Condominium management committee




42卷2期(2015 / 06 / 30)


171 - 207






The water supply serves 99.6% of total population of Taipei City. In fact, however, the Taipei Water Department only supplied water reaching the areas with level up to first normal compression. In highland areas of the Taipei basin periphery, communities often have an insufficient water supply and pipeline maintenance. Thirty-five highland communities encountered serious problems in terms of pipe damage and water leakage. This study applied actor-network theory to identify the critical role of nonhuman actor for highland water supply system at community level. Since the formation of real actor-network communities is rarely studied, this study targeted the case of MS administrative community to understand the dynamic change of actor-network of community for solving the problem of highland water supply system which was extended efforts of residents for 10 years duration. This study found that, by using the highland water supply system as an artifact, the water supply network can reveal the community actors and enact the actor-networks among human and nonhuman actors. Specifically, through the governing processes of the water supply system, the highland water supply system related to a group of initial residents of community daily life hastened the establishment of 4 management committees and reviving the MS community development association. The association inter-organized with some critical voluntary groups and controlled the governance of the water supply system. They strode out of sub-communities to become the voice actors and then gradually stabilized the functions of the governance network. Finally, the association integrated with the community administration to achieve a collaborative governance group and shaped the periodically dynamic morphology of actor-network of MS community as well.

主题分类 工程學 > 土木與建築工程
工程學 > 市政與環境工程
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