


Development of Sustainable Agriculture based on Land Ethics: A Study Case in Tayal Indigenous Community in Jianshih Township, Hsinshu County




顏愛靜(Ai-Ching Yen)


土地倫理 ; 永續農業 ; 自然農法 ; 社會學習 ; 原住民部落發展 ; Indigenous community development ; Land ethic ; Natural farming ; Social learning ; Sustainable agriculture




42卷2期(2015 / 06 / 30)


209 - 233






This study investigated the contextual and influential factors in environmental friendly natural farming which is advocated by Tayal indigenous communities. The research methods included a literature review, interviews, and participatory observation. This study revealed that some Tayal people in Quri Community gradually experiencing the damage of pesticides to human body and land health in recent years so that they had been transform conventional agriculture into organic agriculture. However, because of the high cost of organic farming, some farmers returned to conventional farming. In 2008, a Korean pastor and an agricultural expert introduced Korean style natural farming into Tayal community. By workshop form to advocate natural farming, Quri and other communities' farmers gradually accepted such cultivation method. The key factors in the transformation of farming are, in addition to concerns about health and land, the good fit between natural farming and the traditional crop rotation based on land ethics. By adopting "farmers learn from farmers" social learning method, the traditional ecological knowledge (TEK) and the development of new agricultural production techniques motivated community residents to learn natural farming. In Quri Community, the Korean style natural farming has transformed into Tayal style to use local land resources. Relevant agricultural production has been accepted by the mainstream market, which provides economic support for local farmers. As a result, land ethics and sustainable agriculture have been co-implemented in the Tayal indigenous community.

主题分类 工程學 > 土木與建築工程
工程學 > 市政與環境工程
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