The effect of social interaction on individual behavior possibly exists in many types of travel phenomenon. However, the previous travel behavior models, used to be bases for policy evaluation, assume that individual behavior is independent of others, and therefore lead to the bias in the evaluation of transportation policies under the circumstance that social interaction exists. In view of this, this study examines the on-street motorcycle and bicycle parking behavior which has resulted in a severe negative effect in the city centers of Taiwan. The city centre of Tainan City is designated as the study area. The stated preference questionnaire survey aimed at the motorcycle and bicycle users is conducted by face-to-face interview. 192 samples are acquired through the systematic sampling with a random start. Subsequently, the parking location choice behavior model incorporating social interaction effect is constructed based on the theory of interaction-based model which is capable of resolving the endogeneity problem flexibly and integrating traditional discrete choice model. The estimation result shows average choice level of group has the significant positive effect on decision of individual. This result represents that motorcycle and bicycle users tend to conform to the others' behavior in terms of parking location choice. It is recognized that social interaction among users' behavior exists. The policy analysis is also employed. First, according to the method of general effect evaluation, which is often employed in previous studies, the percentage change of the probability of individual choosing off-street parking would be 0.81% given the distance (from the parking lot to the destination) decreases 1%, whereas given the same circumstance, the percentage change of the probability would be 3.38% according to the proposed method incorporating the chain effect of social interaction. Secondly, according to the method of general effect evaluation, the percentage change of the probability of individual choosing off-street parking would be 1.76% given the fixed cost (of using the parking lot) decreases 1%, whereas given the same circumstance, the percentage change of the probability would be 7.33% according to the proposed method. The results imply that the biases exist in the evaluation of related policies if the social interaction effect is not considered in the analysis on the travel behavior which is influenced by the social interaction.
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