


Research on the Commercial Significance of the Spatial Field of Tamsui Treaty Port in Late-Qing Era




邱世仁(Shih-Ren Chiu);歐東哲(Tung-Che Ou)


通商口岸 ; 空間場域 ; 經貿特質 ; 洋行 ; Treaty port ; Spatial field ; Commercial significance ; Hong




43卷3期(2016 / 09 / 30)


291 - 313






Being situated at the estuary of Tam-sui River and able to go straight to Taipei Basin from there, the Hu-wei Feng-huo section had been the historic transiting place for people from mainland China to immigrate and trade in Northern Taiwan since the Qing era. Because of its strategic position, the Qing authority deployed the armed forces in the region. In economic perspectives, the area also played the crucial role in transporting the agricultural products such as rice, sugar, tea, etc. from Northern Taiwan to mainland China. Being coveting the abundant Northern Taiwanese resources in mid-19 Century, the Western Superpowers forced the Qing authority to assign the section as a treaty port, and transfer the original tactical garrisoned area into the concession zone mainly for the hong trading purpose, commencing with the Treaty of Tien-tsin in 1858. Under the factual context that the transference of the spatial function of Hu-wei Feng-huo section had been produced by the unequal power struggle between Western Superpowers and Qing authority, this research is to explore the manifestation of the newly hong business model in the spatial field of the treaty port, focusing on the aspects of the site preference, the spatial qualitative analysis, the layout, and the hong architectural space, etc. In terms of locality, the research is to expound the advantage of the site on the circumstances of its undeveloped land status and its distance from the Chinese people. As regards to the qualitative analysis, the research is to specify the listed architectural space, including the Custom House, and the Consulates, and the hong offices, factories, wharves, dormitory, etc., required for the trading purpose. As far as the layout is concerned, the research is to reveal the reality that the best strategy to organize the harbor quarter is to create an elongated space along the coast by lining the hong buildings up, one next to the other, in order to provide an easy access to the waterfront. On the whole, the aim of the research is to manifest the commercial significance of the spatial field of the Hu-weiFeng-huo treaty port under the complex political, economic, and social influences.

主题分类 工程學 > 土木與建築工程
工程學 > 市政與環境工程
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