


The Threshold for Equilibrium Shift of Collective Behavior: A Case in Motorcycle and Bicycle Parking Location Choice Behavior




謝旭昇(Hsu-Sheng Hsieh);夏晧清(Hao-Ching Hsia);葉光毅(Kuang-Yih Yeh)


機慢車 ; 路邊停車 ; 停車地點選擇行為 ; 社會互動 ; 社會困境 ; 臨界質量 ; 門檻值 ; Motorcycle ; Bicycle ; On-street parking ; Parking location choice behavior ; Social interaction ; Social dilemma ; Critical mass ; Threshold value




43卷4期(2016 / 12 / 31)


395 - 435




台灣各市中心的機慢車路邊停車問題,對步道的通行、商店街的環境、以及道路交通等皆造成了嚴重的負面影響。對此,行政當局實施的對策雖有一定的效果,卻仍無法充分地解決停車問題。若檢視包含停車地點選擇在內的某些交通行為,會發現其可能存在著「社會互動」,而使得社會僵持在「劣勢均衡」狀態(社會困境)而難以得到改善。以此觀點,回顧過去做為政策評估基礎的交通行為模式,多半視個體行為係獨立於他人行為之脈絡,此將導致無法對社會互動下的政策進行準確的評估。鑑於以上,本研究以台南市中心為實證地區,對機慢車使用者進行問卷調查,來建構導入社會互動效果的停車地點選擇行為模式,並進行集體行為的均衡分析;據此,可進一步針對滿足「集體行為均衡移轉」(解消社會困境)的「門檻值」所需導入的政策干預程度,進行定量的評估。根據政策評估的結果顯示,透過①縮短140公尺的「距離」(停車場至目的地),或②降低8元的「固定費用」(每次使用停車場的費用),抑或以③組合政策的方式,皆能以恰好滿足該門檻值的方式,使「路外停車」的比例由現況的5% 提升至「優勢均衡」狀態的71%。


The on-street motorcycle and bicycle parking in city centers in Taiwan has severe negative effects on sidewalk passing, shopping street environment, and road traffic. Even if local governments have implemented relevant strategies with a certain extent of performance for the parking problem, however, it cannot be effectively solved. Strategies implemented by local governments have not effectively solved the problem. A possible reason is that social interactions probably exist in some of travel behaviors including motorcycle and bicycle parking location choice, and the interactions may lead a society to deadlock at an inferior equilibrium state (social dilemma) which is robust against change. Nevertheless, most travel behavior models underlying policy evaluation have assumed that individual behavior is independent of others, and therefore the policy cannot be evaluated accurately under social interactions. Therefore, this study performed a questionnaire survey of motorcycle and bicycle users in Tainan City center to build a parking location choice behavior model into which the social interaction effect is incorporated, as well as to analyze the equilibrium of collective behavior. Accordingly, the model enabled quantitative evaluations of degree of policy intervention that achieves the threshold value satisfying the equilibrium shift in collective behavior. According to the policy evaluation, (1) decreasing the distance (from parking lots to destinations) 140 meters, (2) reducing the fixed fee (of using parking lots per time) NT$8, or (3) conducting a combined policy of distance and fixed fee, which just satisfies the threshold value, would increase the proportion of off-street parking from 5% at present to 71% at a superior equilibrium state.

主题分类 工程學 > 土木與建築工程
工程學 > 市政與環境工程
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