


Regenerated from Train Station into Art Stage: The Public Governance and Space Exclusion for the Cultural Cluster




呂傑華(Chieh-Hua Lu);劉百佳(Pai-Chia Liu)


文化群聚 ; 公眾治理 ; 委外 ; 空間排除 ; Cultural cluster ; Public governance ; Outsourcing ; Space exclusion




44卷4期(2017 / 12 / 31)


399 - 422






The deserted former Japanese railway administration buildings have been reused since 2011. Sustainable reuse of these buildings to promote the local cultural activities and performances can carry those activities forward and boost an added-value to the local cultural industry. Hence, this study investigated 1) how the public governance was implemented on the cultural heritage reused, and 2) how the administration of the regeneration space affected the artistic activities. The study suggests that the outsourcing strategy enhances development of artistic and cultural activities and performances in the Park. When the authorities outsourced out the labor services on cultural activities to another agency, the Park was full of multifarious activities and performances. However, when the authorities contracted out the assets to another for-profit firm, then the Park was lusterless, slack and depressing. The number of artistic and cultural activities gradually decreased as they couldn’t afford the space rental expenditures that the firm made a business by taking the heritage in sub-lodgers. Furthermore, the authorities did not expect the regulations and financial subsidies for artistic and performance groups to increase activities and performances for elites and tourists than the populaces. Remaking a free public space into a private consumption space marks the erosion of open access to some kinds of artistic communities. Besides, the objective of assisting emerging artistic groups was not achieved, and some other performances and cultural communities will even be excluded by the culture crash.

主题分类 工程學 > 土木與建築工程
工程學 > 市政與環境工程
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