


Investigating Flood Mitigation Strategies Applying to Land-use Planning from a Perspective of Managing Public Runoff as a Shared Responsibility




張學聖(Hsueh-Sheng Chang);蘇麗元(Li-Yuan Su);程韋涵(Wei-Han Cheng)


土地逕流責任 ; 水責任 ; 逕流分擔 ; 減洪土地使用規劃 ; Runoff responsibility ; Land responsibility of water ; Runoff allocation ; Flood mitigation strategies




45卷1期(2018 / 03 / 31)


81 - 101






Structural measures for managing flooding are insufficient for managing the runoff caused by climate change and rapid urban growth. Non-Structural measures like Sponge City, LID and Runoff Allocation Policy are gradually being taken seriously. However, a different scale is applied for each of these measures. Therefore, a master plan is needed to measure the total runoff in the river basin scale to guide the urban planning. This study applied the concept of Runoff Allocation Policy on land-use Planning. We define the framework of "Runoff Responsibility" by identifying the causes of flood. Based on this framework, Taichung Dali River Basin was selected for empirical analysis. In scenario analysis, by affording all the "Runoff Responsibility" we define, the flooding situation will be improved. The map of "Runoff Responsibility" can be regarded as the master plan to guide the land-use planning. Development activities should afford certain amount of detention if they are located in high "Runoff Responsibility" area. The map should indicate environmentally sensitive land so that the land-use plan can consider other environmental conditions as well.

主题分类 工程學 > 土木與建築工程
工程學 > 市政與環境工程
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