


Authenticity Fix and its Governance of the Ximen Red House Neighbourhood, Taipei City




邱淑宜(Shu-Yi Chiu);林文一(Wen-I Lin)


真實性修補 ; 治理 ; 文化創意導向都市再生 ; 文創社群 ; 西門紅樓 ; Authenticity-fix ; Governance ; Culture and creativity-led regeneration ; Cultural and creative community ; the Ximen Red House




46卷1期(2019 / 03 / 31)


1 - 31






In this paper, we develop the concept of authenticity-fix inspired by the theory of spatial fix and creativity fix, as well as the discourse related to culture and creativity-led urban regeneration. Based on this concept, we use the case of the Ximen Red House in Taipei City to explore how the Taipei City Government employs culture and creativity in urban regeneration schemes to govern the Ximen Red House's new authentic place and related culture, and communities. Specifically, this study looks at how authenticity is reconstructed and utilized to fix the Ximen Red House's 'objective' problems of industrial transformation and gritty neighborhood to improve its competitive advantage and efficiency of capital accumulation; and also fix its 'subjective' problems of criminal and unpleasant reputation to represent an authentic place for new cultural and creative performance, and consumption. Finally, we provide an empirical and critical discussion that focuses on the Ximen Red House's entrepreneurialism-led incubation of cultural and creative communities; its governance of authentic place and culture; performance of authentic culture and creativity; the socio-political construction of cultural and creative quarter, and co-opting subculture into the authenticity-fix agenda.

主题分类 工程學 > 土木與建築工程
工程學 > 市政與環境工程
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