Urban plans and their comprehensive reviews mainly consider the pursuit of future development of the urban areas. According to the Urban Plan Acts, an urban plan is a rational planning for land use therein and to a planned development of facilities related to urban living, e.g. economic activities, communications, sanitation, public security, culture, education, recreational and so on. Therefore, urban plans are characterized by the guidance of urban areas' future development, publicity and dynamics. Simultaneously, in response to the progress of democratization, the current system designed a review process for examining and handling opinions or suggestions about the plans' contents. This study analyzed the practice and results of the examination of urban plan comprehensive reviews and their handles about peoples' opinions, with the case of new Taipei City. The analysis revealed that the characteristics of guiding urban areas' future development, publicity and urban dynamics are conflicting with the appealing of peoples' opinions which were mainly focusing on the protection of private property rights. Urban planning is only time-consuming, it is also contrary to the aim of guiding city responding to the post-industrialized development or the rapid change environment. It is also hard for some peoples, who are not beneficiary in the plan, to get satisfactory results. Before any policy changes are made in the near future, the conflicts between the pursuit of public interests and the protection of private rights must be considered.