


Assessment Indicator System of School Disaster Management




王价巨(Jieh-Jiuh Wang);蔡寧又(Ning-Yu Tsai)


災害管理 ; 校園安全 ; 降低災害風險 ; 韌性 ; 防災校園計畫 ; 網路層級分析法 ; Disaster management ; School safety ; Disaster risk reduction ; Resilience ; School disaster management program ; Analytic network process




47卷1期(2020 / 03 / 31)


87 - 109






The incidence and impact of natural disasters have significantly increased in recent years. Global disaster management strategies have started to emphasize the establishment of social resilience to disasters. Schools play a decisive role not only in developing thoughts on disaster management, but as sources of community's knowledge source about disaster. This is a continuous study, which focuses on school disaster management to help schools identify the entirety of disaster management work, enhance its resilience, and reduce the impact of disasters. Based on the framework of school disaster management established by Wang (2016), this study uses analytic network process to enable expert questionnaires to obtain the weight and priority of the evaluation factor, and revises an assessment indicator system for school disaster management with 37 indicators covering five major dimensions: environmental familiarity, school capability, school disaster management map, external resource importation, and disaster resilience education. Analytical results indicate that the most important factor in the establishment of school disaster resilience is the promotion of disaster resilience education, the Hybrid Control Post Exercise implementation in particular. This is followed by determining the school capacity establishment, especially with support from school administrators. Based on the evaluation of 28 schools, this study concludes that using the indicator system regularly to inspect and verify various disaster management tasks in schools will enhance their disaster resilience in the future.

主题分类 工程學 > 土木與建築工程
工程學 > 市政與環境工程
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