This study explored the gender classifications of road names in Taiwan from the perspective of Bourdieu's symbolic domination. The participants were 61 second-graders, 57 fourth-graders and 63 sixth-graders recruited from elementary schools. Seventy and 76 names of roads in Tainan and Kaohsiung City, respectively, were used to investigate whether students have a clear gender classification for those road names. The sixth-graders judged 81.4% and 76.3% of the road names as male in Tainan City and Kaohsiung City, respectively, forming a man-made environment. The highest percentage of road names were mainly symbolic words that gave power and represented public affairs in the Chinese culture. The few road names that were judged as female and those names symbolized beauty, obedience and temperance, showing femininity. Additionally, as age increased, the percentage of participants who judged road name as male got higher. The analytical results show that children have acquired gender classifications in the process of socialization. Since the representation of road names can also be considered as building symbolic capital, suggestions for the future road naming has provided to reduce gender domination.
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