


Translating Behavioral Intention into Action: Mediating Mechanisms in Travel Behavior Change




謝旭昇(Hsu-Sheng Hsieh);夏晧清(Hao-Ching Hsia)


行動計劃 ; 應對計劃 ; 中介效果 ; 旅運行為轉變 ; 公共運輸 ; Action planning ; Coping planning ; Mediating effects ; Travel behavior change ; Public transport




48卷2期(2021 / 06 / 30)


205 - 238






The global environment is nowadays severely threatened by greenhouse gas emissions, of which one major source is excessive private car use in urban areas. Considering that travel is a derived demand, mobility management reducing the demand for private car use can lower carbon emissions. Mobility management is typically classified into hard and soft measures. Hard measures adjust the structure of travel time and costs via infrastructure construction or regulatory institution, but financial and political considerations often restrict their performance. Conversely, soft measures influence behavior by changing individuals' cognition and have attracted increasing transportation research interest in recent years. Hence, clarifying the psychological process of travel behavior change is indispensable for planners dedicated to an environment with low-carbon travel. This study extends the theory of planned behavior to a volitional phase by incorporating action planning and coping planning as the mental simulations for action processes and investigates the mediating mechanisms of travelers' translating behavioral intention into action. The 121 participants, recruited from Taipei City, Taiwan, completed a behavioral pre-test and personalized travel plan formulation in the first phase and psychological measurement and a behavioral post-test in the second phase. Analytical results indicate that the mediating effects through "coping planning" and "action planning and coping planning in sequence" respectively account for 81% and 19% of the influence of behavioral intention on decreasing car use, and that the mediating effects through "action planning," "coping planning," and "action planning and coping planning in sequence" respectively represent 49%, 41%, and 9% of the influence of behavioral intention on increasing pro-environmental mode use. Thus, barrier anticipation and coping strategies, both of which constitute coping planning, may aid action planning for travelers, thereby promoting behavior change. A policy implication of this study for urban public transportation is that influencing the behavioral intention of travelers alone may be insufficient to improve the usage rate. This study suggests that the conjunction with holding route trial runs, educational facilitation, and workshops to trigger travelers to think about and formulate action and coping plans could translate behavioral intention into action.

主题分类 工程學 > 土木與建築工程
工程學 > 市政與環境工程
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