


Applying PPGIS in Satoyama Landscape Change Analysis: A Case of Ciharaay




陳品何(Pin-Ho Chen);趙芝良(Chih-Liang Chao);藍姆路.卡造(Kacaw Lameru);鍾明光(Ming-Kuang Chung);徐霈馨(Pei-Hsin Hsu);董景生(Gene-Sheng Tung);盧道杰(Dau-Jye Lu)


土地利用與地表變遷 ; 參與式研究 ; 水稻田梯田 ; 友善環境農法 ; 生物多樣性 ; 生態旅遊 ; Land-Use and Land-Cover Change (LUCC) ; Participatory research ; Terraced paddy rice fields ; Environmental friendly farming ; Biodiversity ; Ecotourism




48卷4期(2021 / 12 / 31)


347 - 375




近年來隨著里山倡議在臺灣的推動與蓬勃發展,里山地景變遷機制的了解也越受到重視,然卻少有可搭配的土地利用資料,以貼切詮釋地景變遷的里山分析方法。本文以花蓮縣豐南村的吉哈拉艾文化地景為個案,透過文獻回顧、參與式工作坊等質化方法,將公眾參與式地理資訊系統(Public Participation Geographic Information System; PPGIS)應用於里山地景變遷分析。此方法引進參與式研究的取徑,考量社會界線,以文化景觀區為範疇,引進鑲嵌體的土地利用空間資訊,配合繪圖與文獻回顧,收集以地主與農民為主的報導人意見,描繪與討論地景變遷及其驅動力。結果發現吉哈拉艾的里山地景,基本上可分為水稻梯田、果園及森林等三大類型,從1999年到2019年的20年間的土地利用轉變,以水稻田為主,共縮減54.5%。主要是因為人口外流與老年化引起的勞動力不足而產生的水稻田休/廢耕(合計6.37公頃),及為求增加收益而改旱作(0.48公頃)。近廿年,吉哈拉艾使用有機與友善環境農法,恢復了部分的動物多樣性,而田間植物則少有恢復。2000年起,社區開創直銷自有稻米品牌與引進生態產業,則有鼓勵維持水稻田的效果。吉哈拉艾個案顯示,利用PPGIS具備空間資訊處理能力及促進在地居民參與和培力(empower)的特點,可透過權益關係人的記憶與討論,跨越時間軸線,描繪地景變遷,更能應對鑲嵌區塊的土地利用,細緻分析地景的形成與變遷及其驅動力。未來應用於臺灣的里山地景保育與地景分析,有其便利性。此方法適用於小尺度與人互動密切的里山地景,挑戰為耗時費工,需與部落社區權益關係人,尤其地主與土地使用者緊密互動。


The promotion and vigorous development of the Satoyama Initiative in Taiwan in recent years has been attracted increasing interest in understanding the Satoyama landscapes change mechanism. Since Satoyama analysis has rarely been adopted to analyze detailed land use and its driving forces to interpret landscape change, this study takes the Ciharaay cultural landscapes in Fengnan Village, Hualien County as a case study, and applies the Public Participation Geographic Information System (PPGIS) in Satoyama landscape analysis using qualitative methods such as literature review and participatory workshops. It introduces mainly a participatory research approach to implement PPGIS in this study, with social boundaries demarcating the cultural landscapes as the scope of Satoyama, with mapping and literature review to collect detailed information on land use of mosaics, which is used to map and discuss landscape change and the driving forces behind this landscapes. Analytical results reveal that it has been reduced for the coverage of paddy rice fields consisting of paddy rice terraced fields, orchards and forests, in the Cilaraay Satoyama Landscapes by 54.5% in the 20 years from 1999 to 2019. This reduction is caused mainly by the shortage of human resources induced by outflow of population and labor overload (6.37ha), while the rest resulted from changes to dryland farming for higher income (0.48ha). Additionally, some wildlife reappeared in the fields, but few for the wild flora in the fields, as local farmers adopted organic and/or environmentally friendly farming in recent two decades. Since 2000, local farmers began to sell local rice using a local brand and introduced ecotourism for the community itself, this encouraging the maintenance of paddy rice fields. The Cilaraay case results show that the ability to deal with geospatial information, promote local participation and empower local people, PPGIS could help map landscape change cross time and analyze delicately its land use and driving forces beyond by working with community members. This finding demonstrates the feasibility of applying PPGIS in landscape analysis and Satoyama conservation in Taiwan. This operating model is particularly appropriate for Satoyama landscapes of small scale and close interactions with human activities; however, it consumes much time and human resources, and requires close interaction with local stakeholders, particularly landowners and users.

主题分类 工程學 > 土木與建築工程
工程學 > 市政與環境工程
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